How a choose a baby bib
Date Posted:20 December 2017
How to choose the best baby bib for your child
As a parent, you will quickly discover that meal times are messy. It is surprising how little of each meal actually ends up in your baby’s mouth. Baby bibs are a fantastic solution to keeping food off your little ones clothes (and everywhere else) during meal time.
Baby bibs come in all manner of different sizes, shapes and materials. How do you determine which bib is right for your baby?
I have created a super detailed guide on baby bibs that will provide you with all the information you need find the perfect bib for your baby. Once you have finished reading this guide you will be an baby bib expert.
Use the links below to jump to your preferred section or continue reading from top to bottom. It’s all great information.
2. Different types of baby bib available
Okay, lets jump right in and learn all about baby bibs.
If there is one thing baby’s love to do at meal time, it’s make a mess. That baby food may taste yummy, but it is much more fun to smear it all over the high chair, clothes and floor.
Chances are that your washing cycle has become much more frequent now you have a baby in the house. While bibs won’t prevent mess, a bib does provide a layer of protection between your baby’s meal and the clothes which they are wearing. Rather than constantly washing baby food coated clothes, you simply clean the bib instead.
Don’t believe in the awesomeness of baby bibs? This is your life now:
While a bib would not have stopped the mess, it would have at least protected his clothes.
The different types of baby bibs
Feeding Bibs
As the name suggests, feeding bibs are placed around your baby’s neck during feeding time. Since feeding a baby can be a messy process, feeding bibs are quite large to protect as much of your infants clothes from food as possible.
Some feeding bibs even come with a pocket to catch any food that falls from your baby’s mouth, not only protecting your baby’s clothes from mess, but also the floor as well.
Drool Bibs
Drool bibs are much smaller than feeding bibs. The smaller size allows your little baby to roam with out the fear of being tangled up in a larger feeding bib.
Drool bibs are designed to prevent small amounts of baby dribble from sliding down your baby’s front in and soaking into his clothes.
Long Sleeved Bib (smock)
Another option for feeding time is a long sleeved bib. Rather than simply hang of your baby’s neck, a long sleeved bib also covers the arms and majority of the body, making it incredibly difficult for a baby to become covered in food.
Long sleeved baby bibs can also double as a smock for arts and crafts time. The difference between a smock and long sleeved baby bib is an open back, allowing you to easily remove a messy bib from your baby without spilling it everywhere.
What to look for when comparing baby bibs
The ability to fold up
Bibs are a very handy baby item that are not only useful around the house but when you and baby are out and about in the big outdoors as well.
A bib is a common addition to many mothers diaper bags. If you find this idea appealing, be sure to choose a bib that can neatly fold up. Space in a diaper bag is already limited, you don’t want a chunky bib taking up a large portion of it.
Ease of cleaning
A commonly overlooked feature when buying baby bibs is the ease of which it can be cleaned. Baby bibs are designed to be coated in whatever your baby can throw at it, there is no ifs or buts about it, your baby’s bib will get messy and require cleaning.
The most common methods of cleaning a baby bib include:
· Wipe down
· Washing machine
· Dishwasher
Different brands of baby bibs will come with different cleaning instructions. When washing the bib, it is always best to follow the instructions found on the packaging.
The Fit
A bib should form a nice snug fit. There are two benefits to a tight fitting baby bib.
1. Difficult to remove – A tight fitting baby bib is much harder for your baby to wiggle and squirm out of.
2. Makes less mess – Feeding time is already messy, loose fitting bibs can actually be dragged through your baby’s food; making a bigger mess than if your little one went bibless.
If your baby is uncomfortable then I have bad news for you; Feed time is going to be more of a drama than usual. Your baby will be so focused on trying to remove the bib that food will be a second thought.
There are three main causes for your baby’s discomfort when wearing a bib.
1. Too tight: Ensure that the bib sits snug but so tight that your baby cannot move. If the bib is too small for your baby, you may have to buy the next size up.
2. Irritating neckline: Coarse ties or Velcro that hold the bib in place can irritate the neckline. My preference is for soft ties over Velcro, which can easily scratch at your infant’s neck.
3. Brushes against the skin: If your baby’s bib is a little coarse and brushes against exposed skin then your baby may fidget with discomfort. Choose a soft bib material where possible.
At the end of the day, your baby is only little one. Have fun. Choose a bib with his favorite superhero on it, something that matches his spoon and bowl.
You can even buy plain bibs and decorate them with fabric markers or embroidery yourself. Just because a bib is functional doesn’t mean it has to be ugly.
Let’s have a look at some of the best baby bibs that money can buy. The following baby bibs are favourites of parents around the world. Comfortable and effective at protecting your baby’s clothes from food; it is easy to see why these are some of the best baby bibs around.
Best value waterproof baby bib
Waterproof Super-bib
Style: different colour
Brand: Mum2Mum
· Adjustable Velcro closure
· Machine washable.
The material of this baby bib is somewhat similar to a waterproof cloth diaper cover, only thinner. Despite being waterproof, the fabric of the bib is still soft to touch.
Located at the base of the bib is a food catching pouch. An extra line of defense against a messy baby at feeding time.
Fashionista moms will be happy to hear that there are a huge number of patterns and themes to choose from. From pink swirls and blue clouds to Disney themes, your little boy or girl is bound to look fashionable during feeding time.
When feeding time is over, simply toss the bib in the washing machine on a soft cycle. Bib maintenance does not get much cheaper than that!
Best Plastic Baby Bib (silicone)
Soft Plastic Baby Bib
Style: Many different color combinations
Brand: Oxo Tot
· Silicone.
· Adjustable neck.
· Food catching pocket.
· Can be washed in dishwasher.
Unlike the more common fabric baby bib, this particular bib is made from flexible plastic. Instead of a hard plastic that many babies find uncomfortable to wear, the plastic in this bib is quite flexible.
Because plastic is stiffer than fabric, the food catching pocket stays open without needing to be adjusted each time you feed your baby. The pocket can hold a cup of water (or formula or spit up) without leaking. If you are looking for a good bib with a great pocket to catch food then look no further, this bib is meant for you.
Plastic is a fantastic material to use for a baby bib as it is incredibly resistant to absorbing doors and very simple to wipe down. In fact, you can even throw this baby bib in the dishwasher with your baby’s bowl and utensils. Don’t want to use the dishwasher? This bib is just as easy to wash in your kitchen sink.
Best “Smock” Baby Bib
Waterproof Sleeved Bib
Style: Over 10 different styles available
Brand: Bumkins
· Easy wipe fabric.
· Lightweight.
· Food catching pocket.
· machine washable
If your baby keeps pulling his bib off or wiggling free than this is the baby bib for your little one. Unlike other bibs, this long sleeved is worn, with sleeves sliding over your little one’s arms, resembling an open backed sweater.
The open backed design allows you to remove the dirty bib from your baby with relative ease. When the time comes for cleaning, simply wipe the bib down or throw it throw a wash cycle.
Unlike other baby bibs that simply hang off the neck, you will be required to purchase this long-sleeved bib in the correct size. Choosing the incorrect size will see the bib fit too loosely.
Best Baby Drool Bib
Bandana Drool Bib
Style: As pictured
Brand: Mum2Mum
· Adjustable snaps.
· Cotton fleece material.
· Unique designs
When it comes to drool bibs I am a huge fan of the bandana style. Big enough to catch drool running down your baby’s face, small enough to not interfere with your baby’s movement. They also look adorable, making a funky fashion accessory; even if your baby is not a drool monster.
The main reason I love these drool bibs? They are made from soft cotton with a fleece backing. While waterproof layers can be uncomfortable and scratchy, these drool bibs will not irritate your baby during play time.
The drool bib fastened around your baby’s neck by a series of adjustable snaps. This is one bib that your baby will be unable to pull off.
Reference :
Jess (2017, April). "How to Choose the Best Baby Bibs for Your Child". Retrieved from